As with commission-based art, book illustrations start with the story. What are we trying to show? How will it be conveyed? What style are we after?
I draw up thumbnails of characters involved in the book, and follow this up with a series of line drawings that portray how the story unfolds from beginning
to end. If text is already on the pages, I will show how the artwork sits on each page before beginning final colouring and linework.

If text is already on the pages, I will show how the artwork sits on each page before beginning final colouring and linework. If text has not been finalized,
I can easily place the text on each page with the drawings, so basic layout can begin. Once colours and overall look have been confirmed, I will work on each page
until finished to a high degree.

Constant communication is kept with the author/creator of the book, to maintain transparency and change aspects of the book if required.
I can also produce a "Mock-up" book that is designed to show the client how it appears in reality; flipping pages helps the client see continuity and how the book "reads"
to a buyer. This is invaluable early on before colour is added, as more ideas can bubble up during a reading of a paper book!